I'll just elaborate on Muzna's point.
The people feel like they're trapped over there. But there's definitely consensus among people, especially in communicating back and forth with them, that they don't want to leave the area. They don't want to go into exile because they've seen what happened to the refugees in Aleppo. They've seen how humiliating and difficult a process it is to go through. Some of the people would say that this is their home, and they will either die or live in their home. This is their feeling there. We're trying to convey that message to everyone. They don't want to be exiled.
The only way to gain some trust between the two sides is to stop shelling and bombing the area and open access for humanitarian aid to go in. Maybe that will start a dialogue between the two parties to find a peaceful resolution.
This is the only way it could happen, if the international community really puts pressure on Russia. The whole situation is under the Russian regime's control basically at this point.