Thank you very much.
I see that, unfortunately, our time is running out. I want to thank all three of you for coming in today on really short notice.
I think it's a wake-up call for all of us because we know that the sad reality of these situations is that, for a moment in time, they have the front pages. We saw it with Aleppo. I was just looking at the work this committee did over a year ago. Then, sadly, these things fall off the front page and fall out of our consciousness, but when we see the depravity and the crimes that have occurred against humanity, the war crimes that are occurring in this region yet again by the Assad regime, it is a wake-up call that we all need to be doing more.
I think nothing brings that home more than having each of you here sharing your stories, whether it's the stories of the medical professionals battling it out in the hospitals to try to save lives, or of Ms. Dureid's family over there and what they've been subject to over the last five years. We will make sure, once again, certainly within Parliament Hill, that we are messaging this out and making clear that the world cannot stand by while these atrocities continue to happen on a daily basis. I want to thank you for coming and sharing your testimony with us.
I just want to get approval to send out the news release. Do all members approve?