Welcome, everybody. It's great to see everyone after our break week last week.
This is a lucky number, I think. Number 10 is always a good lucky number. That's the meeting we are conducting today, pursuant to the motion on October 27, 2020.
We're proceeding with two briefings. The first will deal with southern Cameroon. The second will deal with Ethiopia.
Members, as we get into the questioning of the witnesses, when it gets down to about 30 seconds or so left of your time, I'll just flash the card so you're aware that you have about 30 seconds left to conclude.
For those who have not used this platform—such as our witnesses—at the bottom of your screen you'll see a globe. On that globe you're able to choose interpretation in English or French.
On that note, I am going to welcome our witnesses. From the USC Gould School of Law's international human rights clinic, we have Hannah Garry, who is the director there. From the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, we have the senior associate and regional director for central and west Africa programs, Christopher Fomunyoh. From the Oasis Network for Community Transformation, we have the chair of the Cameroon working group, Efi Tembon. He's the executive director.
Witnesses, you'll have five minutes to provide your opening remarks and then we will go to members for questions.
We'll start with Ms. Hannah Garry.
You have five minutes, Ms. Garry.