Naming and shaming is part of publishing, and we are required to publish. If we receive a complaint, we have to publish it. The amount of information we publish with respect to a complaint will depend on the situation. It will depend on whether the situation was mediated between the company and the complainant, and whether the complainant and the company requested that certain information not be published. That's possible, but we will definitely publish that we received 10 complaints, that we reviewed eight—that kind of information will be there. We don't always have to name and shame.
There's also part of our mandate where we advise companies and we promote the international business and human rights standards. We can do a lot of know and show. We can be very proactive to prevent the occurrence of human rights abuses by letting companies know what they ought to be doing to avoid that. That's part of the opposite of name and blame; it's know and show.