I'll be happy to provide those reports that are relevant for the subcommittee's mandate regarding this particular issue.
In addition to the CORE, let me be very clear, it's not an either/or situation. The CORE is an important step. Let us get this right. At the same time, to make it effective, it needs those powers that it lacks at this particular point in time. We made the recommendation very clearly before it was established. We made that clear in 2018, when it was not even established.
Those boxes have not been ticked. My understanding is that the government promised that those powers would be conferred on the CORE, and they have not been conferred.
Mediation is done by the initial contact point already. What is the purpose of the CORE investing its resources in mediation, because that function is already done by the NCP? That is duplication.
We should create the CORE somewhere between the NCP on the one hand, and the courts on the other hand. It should be able to function like a non-judicial body that is not doing what the courts do, and not doing what the NCP does. It can do that if it has those powers that we recommended in the 2018 report.