Welcome, colleagues, to meeting number 16 of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Today we meet to hear from witnesses in view of our study on the role of the Canadian ombudsperson for responsible enterprise.
To ensure an orderly meeting, I encourage all participants to mute their microphones when they are not speaking and address all comments though the chair. When you have 30 seconds left in your questioning time, I will signal you with a paper. Interpretation is available, in English or French, through the globe icon on the bottom of your screen. This is for those who are using the platform for the first time. Please note that screen captures or photos are not permitted.
I would now like to welcome our witnesses for the first panel. From the Platform of Amazonian Indigenous Peoples United in Defense of their Territory, we have Ms. Aymara León Cépeda, sociologist and human rights coordinator, Peru, subgroup of oil spills. On behalf of the United Steelworkers, we have national director Ken Neumann, whom I've known for many years, and department lead Doug Olthuis.
Now we will invite our guests to make their opening statements of five minutes. We'll begin with Ms. Cépeda and then we will have, I believe, Mr. Neumann.
Ms. Cépeda, you may begin.