Welcome everybody. We're continuing to meet to hear from witnesses in view of our study on the role of the Canadian ombudsperson for responsible enterprise.
For the benefit of our witnesses, I encourage all participants to mute their microphones when they are not speaking and address all comments through the chair.
When you have about 30 seconds left in your questioning time, I'll signal you with a paper. Also, for the benefit of our witnesses, there is a globe icon at the bottom of your screen if you require interpretation in English or French.
Let me introduce the witnesses.
Joining us from the Philippines, we have Mr. Clemente Bautista, who is the international network coordinator at Kalikasan People's Network for the Environment.
We have Mark Agnew, vice-president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
We have Lisa McDonald, executive director, and Jeff Killeen, director, from Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada.
We have Margareta Dovgal on behalf of the Task Force For Real Jobs, Real Recovery.
On behalf of the Mining Association of Canada, we have president and CEO Pierre Gratton and senior vice-president Ben Chalmers.
I am going to ask our witnesses to make their opening remarks for no more than five minutes. I will hold you to that just because we don't have a whole lot of time and we have quite a few witnesses.
We'll begin with Mr. Bautista.