It's incredibly important. I think part of the reason we've survived this long is precisely because there is global action, so thank you so much for helping us shine the light.
I think what the government would have wanted would be for us to shut up and to follow. In fact, that's what they told one of my reporters when they came to arrest me. She was livestreaming and he just came and tried to grab the phone and told her she's next.
Thank you. I think the initiative that you took, along with the U.K., in June 2019 to defend media freedom is incredible. You held the line while the United States got its act together. Please continue moving forward.
I will also temper what I have to say because under this anti-terror law, any Filipino can be charged with terrorism by me just telling you that you should do this. I won't tell you that because that can be used against me.
It's a very strange time. This is my 35th year as a journalist. I've never lived under anything like this and I've covered war zones.