Welcome, colleagues, to meeting number 24 of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights.
For the members, we'll go through three to four rounds of questioning of the witnesses, and then we will break to go in camera and come back for some committee business and talk about our next meetings, etc.
Today we are meeting for a briefing on the situation in Iran.
To ensure an orderly meeting, I would encourage all participants to mute their microphones when they're not speaking and address all comments through the chair. When you have about 30 seconds left in your questioning time, I'll signal you with this paper so that witnesses and members are aware of that.
We have interpretation. You'll see a globe icon at the bottom of your screen. You are able to pick English or French, or if you're bilingual, you could leave it the way it is. Please do not take screenshots or photographs while we're going through our meeting.
Our witnesses for the two hours are the following. Kamran Saghah—and I apologize if I've mispronounced a name—is representing the Association of Iranian Ex Political Prisoners in Canada. We have, representing the Iran Democratic Association, President Shahram Golestaneh accompanied by Simin Boorchi, an ex-political prisoner.
Witnesses, you're going to have up to six minutes to make your opening remarks.
We'll begin with Kamran. I'll be timing you for about six minutes, so if you can start now, Kamran, then the other witnesses can go after.