Just to quickly round that up so that I can leave you some time, we were able to hold our ground. Then the military left after a commandant came and we got his name. We just guessed they must have found out there were a lot of people who were watching what was going on. Forty-five or 50 minutes later, the police came and did the same thing, and actually killed people. That's just to wrap it up as quickly as possible.
With regard to cybercrime in Nigeria, if I understand your question, yes, it's a problem. Just as I said when I started speaking, something about Nigerians is that we're very hard-working. We have this survival instinct at every level. There's this desperate need to survive. I'm not excusing that act, because it is criminal, but all I'm saying is something led to something. There's not enough sensitization. There's not enough education for people to understand what they can use their skills for. It's a broad scope. It's something that needs to be addressed, because there are intelligent people in Nigeria who don't use it for anything but criminal things online.