The structure is broken. I will try to create a very clear picture of why there is a big problem. I'll bring it home here to Canada.
If in Canada every police force or unit took direct orders from the Prime Minister, you'd agree with me that this would be a big problem. There would be no Ottawa police and no provincial police. There would be no such police. There would be just one national police force taking direct orders from the Prime Minister directly. That would be a big problem.
That is exactly what is happening in Nigeria. That's why people are calling for the system to be restructured. For several years we've been calling for local policing in Nigeria. Of course, there's always enormous push-back on those calls, because those calls do not serve the interests of those who want to keep the status quo. The government knows that localizing police forces in Nigeria would work and it would serve the people.
Nigeria is a big country, with over 200 million people. You'll agree with me that one unit, one police force, cannot serve the interests of 200 million people. From the north to south in Nigeria and from the east to the west, the cultural systems are different. Only local policing can properly understand the issues on the ground and be able to respond effectively.
Orders come from one unit. It comes from the presidency all the way down. That is why it would be very helpful if Nigeria could receive strategic support in the area of policing. That would help enormously in bringing about part of the solution to what we face in Nigeria.