Yes. Thank you, honourable member. I will chime in.
Zimbabwe was once a member of the Commonwealth but has since been kicked out of the Commonwealth, which is why the Commonwealth is maintaining an arm's-length distance from Zimbabwe when it comes to the situation there.
With regard to the African Union, there's that feeling of brotherhood to the extent that for any other country within Africa, even if it's going through turmoil, unless its situation is being condemned by the outside world, it will just stay mum about the situation. It's not like the African Union has not heard about the fatalities and the human rights violations in Zimbabwe. It has, but it chooses to turn a blind eye.
A good example would be how the African Union was vocal when there was police brutality in the U.S. in the summer. This same brutality is going on in front of its eyes in Zimbabwe, but it chooses not to comment or say anything about it. It picks and chooses what it wants to talk about and what it wants to highlight. If it's a case of other countries suffering and being reduced to poverty to the same extent that Zimbabwe has been, it is okay with that.
That's our approach. That's how we feel.