I have to say what we have done is nothing short of amazing considering the fact that the heritage emergency fund has, generally speaking, received contributions of a much smaller size. Our contribution has expanded the possibilities for them exponentially compared to what they had in hand at the start of the conflict, so we have done a lot in having provided that $4.8 million.
Canada as a country, and one with significant expertise in preservation, restoration, the maintenance of cultural collections, digitization and so on, is also providing expertise through these international networks to which many of our citizens who have that expertise belong. These citizens are then being connected with Ukraine via the organization that is bringing those experts together so that those connections can then produce results on the ground and help Ukrainians more quickly protect those elements physically. The elements that need physical protection are the ones that can't be moved. The experts are also dealing with the movable collections and either transferring them somewhere else or preparing the timelines for that potential transfer if it can't be done at the moment, since there are certain areas, of course, in which there is nowhere to go given the current situation.