From the very beginning in February, we had a big network of NGOs that volunteered to help to collect the war crimes. These NGOs are working in the field of human rights defenders.
Also, as a former journalist actually, I would like to thank all the journalists who are working on the ground, because they are doing a great job right now. They go into hot spots, both international journalists from different.... As Yuriy Bova just said, they have tents of.... I'm going to give his phone number to a lot of journalists. He probably doesn't know, but I give it out. They are collecting evidence.
When I had a speech in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, I was giving testimony of these principals I mentioned to you from Katiuzhanka, from the Kyiv region. These testimonies were sent to me by a journalist who was writing in English, in German and I think in some of the Scandinavian languages. He just sent me these testimonies with evidence on who said that, and I delivered it to an international audience.
Of course, probably we're not that educated, and we didn't have too much training on how to report these war crimes, but we do put these onto paper and save it to give to an international tribunal, because everyone you see, every witness, is saying that. It's coming from the heart of every person in Ukraine that this evil has to be punished.
If I have 30 seconds I will maybe jump into the previous question about what can be done by Canada and how it can help. Together with putting this onto paper, there's also help in trauma counselling and help for women who experienced sexual violence because the numbers for sexual violence is very under-reported because women are afraid. They are afraid to be stigmatized, and they do not want to talk. I'm also an author of a resolution in PACE, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, about women in conflicts. I found out that in, for example, the Balkans conflict, some of the women started to talk 15 years later. It's a long process and we would need this support in trauma counselling, especially because the women are not only in Ukraine. They also fled the country into other regions and they need to get this support in any corner of the world where they are.
Thank you.