Thank you.
It really resonates with my heart because my resolution in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe is about women in conflict and peace reconciliation. It will be voted on in June. I could just draw from the conclusions of my resolution report.
First of all, we need the help of psychologists who deal with sexual violence during conflict because the number of these cases are under-recorded. We get just the tip of the iceberg because women are afraid to speak. Another thing that we could use from Canada is help for NGOs that are working in this field. We have the national action plan for the United Nations resolution 1325, as you probably do as well. There is a list of NGOs who are working with government on the national action plan. They are run by women.
Actually, yesterday I was participating in a discussion organized by Georgetown University based in Washington. We had very powerful speeches from women from NGOs who are working on the ground and who are staying in the cities helping their peers to overcome.
Of course, it's also documenting. That's another thing that our prosecutor general's office could receive. Also, the police are working on collecting this evidence and testimonies to actually put these cases to the international tribunal as well because these are clear war crimes that were committed.
We also need to understand that not only women and girls were raped, but men and boys as well. It has covered all ages and all genders. These cases are really horrific and those who committed them should be put into the tribunal.