Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I want to thank all our witnesses for being with us here today. We've heard some very tough testimony about families, young children, women and especially girls. When you share this very vivid testimony, I think it's upon all of us to take it in and really think about humanity. You think about what we can do as a country and think about what we can do as Canadians.
I want to send my deep appreciation and condolences as well to the community. Know that we are with you.
As I understand it, the conflict is quite complex, and I am trying to fathom the way forward. I want to hear more from our witnesses about what a true resolution of the conflict looks like. What role does the international community play in this, whether that's Canada, the U.S.A. or the UN? I want to hear more thoughts in terms of resolutions looking forward.
The floor is open to any witnesses who may want to chime in on the phones.