Now, without further ado, it's 8:55 and we have until 10:45, so we'll divide that time in two and go through our two panels. Our witnesses are online.
We are continuing our study on Tigray, which we began in our previous meeting. We've already had one meeting on this, at which a number of committee members gave impromptu testimony to us, which worked really well. We now have this meeting and the next one to study Tigray, after which we'll be writing a report.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motions adopted by this subcommittee on Thursday, April 26, 2022, and on Friday, September 23, 2022, our subcommittee will resume its study on the current situation in Tigray.
It's a pleasure to welcome Goitom Gebreluel, a post-doctoral fellow at Yale, and Ian Spears, associate professor of political science at the University of Guelph.
You each have a maximum of five minutes. I'll keep timing, and I ask you to also keep timing. After your opening remarks, we'll enter into rounds of questions and answers.
Go ahead, Mr. Gebreluel. Thank you.