I would say definitely. If you're asking me to tell you some of the stories, I have been hearing a lot of stories. The perpetrators were not only committing sexual violence; they were also telling them they had to purify Tigrayan blood. Let me tell you one story as an example.
There was this lady. She's a breast cancer survivor. She was raped by eight Eritrean men. She heard all that they were saying up until the fourth man. After that, she lost consciousness. She spoke to me and told me that they said, “You're a cursed people, so we have to purify your blood. You fought us with Ethiopia and then you made us starve. You put Eritrea under sanction for several years by combining with the Ethiopians.” They were telling her a lot of insults that I cannot mention here.
She was not the only one. I remember stories. I remember that one lady was raped in front of her two children, and her husband was killed in front of her children. She was raped by a combination of the Amhara military and the Ethiopian National Defense Force. She's from Humera. She was told, “This part of western Tigray was ours. You are invaders.” It was clearly used as a weapon of war.