Welcome to meeting number 17 of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights. Today is Friday, October 28.
We have several witnesses here in person and several participating by Zoom today. Pursuant to the House order of June 23, 2022, we're meeting in the hybrid fashion. For the benefit of witnesses and members, I ask you to please wait until you're acknowledged by me, the chair, before speaking. There's interpretation for those of you who need it. You can have interpretation in either English or French, just by clicking on the globe icon on the bottom of your screen, for those participating by Zoom. Any comments that are made should be addressed through the chair.
Today, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by this committee on Friday, September 23, we are going to resume our study on Tigray.
Before welcoming the witnesses, I would like to provide a trigger warning. This is a difficult study. We will be discussing experiences related to mental health. This may trigger those who are viewing and watching live. We're asking viewers, members or staff with experiences that are traumatizing, if they feel distressed or need help, to please advise the clerk.
Ms. McPherson.