Thank you so much for the question.
What we're seeing in terms of trends, while we're not documenting it very closely, is that the more there is a sort of rapprochement with repressive states—whether that is Saudi Arabia, like we've seen just recently with the Biden administration, or other states that are allowed to use large-scale summits, bilateral meetings and large sporting events as a way to perform a kind of image laundering and attempt to hide their repression—and the more states agree to that and don't call for accountability and don't criticize the repression against women and against all human rights advocates, we see an increase in impunity in terms of their actions.
I think that's why we're consistently calling for states, every time there is a women's rights activist who is detained, including in states that are allies to Canada.... This needs to be called out very publicly, because what we see is a normalization of these practices, a return to business as usual with repressive states that are allies or where there are strong interests. Then we see the trend unfortunately and increasingly deteriorating for women and for civil society writ large.