We're going to continue very briefly. First off, the second meeting on March 24 is going to be cancelled because of a House order related to President Biden's address, so our next meeting will not be happening, unfortunately, on that date. On the 31st of this month, we will be looking at the report on Haiti and also giving drafting instructions around this study that just concluded on women in Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
For the members, we went last time through the recommendations on Haiti. Please go through the rest of the text. Let's get that concluded for the next meeting so that we can continue what we set on the agenda.
At the same time, I'd ask that, given that there's a difference of opinion in the room and that we have always worked on consensus, there be conversation around what was brought forth by Mr. Viersen on this today, which represents an important change in the way our committee operates.
The next item is an announcement. Madame Clerk will send out information to all the members around the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the universal periodic review. There will be a meeting that everyone's invited to on Thursday, March 23, at 10 a.m. We'll be sending out an email to everyone on that point. You're invited to be there, but it's not obligatory.
I'll take you in a moment, Mr. Viersen.
Finally, let us pass the budget for the witnesses who appeared last time on Tibet. Everyone received that.
It's a request for $7,225.
Can we approve that?