That's a really important question.
In the place of religious and cultural education, not only are Tibetan children not getting the kind of education that is relevant to their own culture, their own history and their own world view. Tibetan children are actually being given a very politicized, extremely strong propagandistic version of the Chinese Communist Party's world view.
The shocking thing is that it starts very early. They don't even wait until children are 10 or 15 years old. Kids who are four, five or six years old are already being bombarded with this type of propagandistic, politicized indoctrination. Basically, they're removing what makes a child Tibetan, which is their families' cultural, local, scientific, natural and ecological way of being in the world. It's not only the language, but the psychological orientation to this world. While taking out all of those things, they are filling that empty vessel with political indoctrination about how great the Chinese Communist Party is and how terrible the Japanese occupiers and the Japanese soldiers are.
That's just one example. I've seen some of these textbooks with images that are extremely violent, extremely disturbing, extremely bloody and extremely gory. Those are the kinds of books that are used to teach very young children, starting from five or six years old. That is the reality of the type of indoctrination and political education they are getting.