I think it has to do with the priorities of the government. The UN special rapporteurs noted that the Nigerian government went into Kenya to take one of the IPOB leaders and bring him into Nigeria. At the same time, they haven't made efforts to retrieve Leah Sharibu and didn't take steps to protect Deborah at the university—to bring in the military to protect her when it was going on. There were witnesses who said the police just stayed outside and didn't intervene. That is very concerning.
As we mentioned, with the blasphemy laws and sanctioning the death penalty for blasphemy.... In a state like that, do you think there's an interest in protecting individuals being targeted for their freedom of expression? There are issues within the legal framework that give justification.
The ICC investigation was opened in 2010. It was a long time ago. We've always given Nigeria the benefit of the doubt, but there still haven't been any concrete actions. With regard to Deborah Yakubu, nobody has been arrested. These are concerning signs.