It is very important to state clearly that the children who have been returned to date, the 300, due in part to the incredible efforts of Save Ukraine, are almost entirely children from the camp kids population.
As it relates to those who were in the Ukrainian state institutions, there has not been any return, to our knowledge, of those kids or the kids from filtration or the battlefield. At this point it's almost entirely kids who were in the camp system.
This is important because it means that for groups three and four, the battlefield and filtration kids, we don't even have a denominator in terms of comparing how many exist in that population. The difficulty, the absolute complexity of trying to figure out which kids in the battlefield scenarios are missing because they're dead or missing because they're in Russian custody is almost impossible in the current conditions.
We believe the kids in those groups that we know the least about are in the Russian national adoption system, and we are working quickly to confirm that and to report publicly on it.