What we are seeing is tactical intent in terms of the concealment of children. That is clear, and I can give multiple examples.
There are other cases in which it is not clear that there was any initial accounting system, depending on which cohort of kids we're talking about. Each cohort has sort of a different level of accounting that is either happening or not happening. The critical point here is that under the Geneva Conventions, Russia should have registered these children immediately, within days, through a system called Restoring Family Links.
The challenge now is that we have to attempt to do that registration act without Russia's co-operation. We are basically reverse-engineering the identities through open-source data, which is extremely impossible. We're making progress, but it's like when you go to a fair and there's a jar of jelly beans. We're having to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar, and we don't even know how big the jar is.