Our meeting begins with our study of the situation of the unlawful transfer of Ukrainian children to Russia. It is my pleasure to welcome the witnesses who have joined us this morning.
From the International Center for Ukrainian Victory, we have by video conference Ms. Olga Alvazovska, board member, and Mr. Andrii Mikheiev, international law expert.
Unfortunately, Ms. Kateryna Lytvynenko from Save the Children is not able to join the meeting.
From the Yale School of Public Health Humanitarian Research Lab, we have Mr. Nathaniel Raymond, executive director.
You will have up to five minutes for your remarks, after which we will proceed to questions from subcommittee members.
I will let you know when you have one minute left.
Thank you for agreeing to appear today.
We will start with the International Center for Ukrainian Victory and Ms. Olga Alvazovska.
Madam, you have up to five minutes for opening remarks. The floor is yours.