This is extremely important information in order to make it possible to prosecute and punish everyone who is involved in the commission of this crime and, second, to have information on where our children are in order to return them home.
Accountability in itself is not enough to return our children back home. It's an important element of pressure, I would say, on Russian authorities to start to return our children, but it's not enough. That's why we are calling for the creation of an international mechanism on how to return our children, where Canada is one of the leaders, together with Ukraine, and uniting the other nations that are ready to help us.
Coming back to your first question, of course we have investigations, as already mentioned, where we know those who are involved in the commission of this crime, the abduction of our children, on the higher and medium levels, and the regional level. Once we have this information, we need to share it in order to sanction them, as I mentioned, while we are continuing our investigations. For the names we identify, we're sharing this information in order to sanction them prior to indicting them. On the international level, of course, we are going on with helping the ICC investigate these cases, wider and broader, and I hope we will all see results of this investigation in the future.