Yes, of course.
Thanks, Mr. Lake, for your question.
I think Education Cannot Wait has already made a strong commitment by targeting 10% of children with disabilities across the different funding windows we have. We already committed by signing the TES call to action on disability inclusion to ensure that our investments include mainstream disability inclusion, and that every single fund or investment also includes targeted interventions to include persons with disabilities.
It's important to keep our commitment and also to encourage others to commit to reaching persons with disabilities—mainly governments in countries where we work. If we don't look at governments, and invite and encourage them to sign the TES call to action, we will not move the needle on disability inclusion.
It's very important for us to also work hand in hand with governments, local organizations and other United Nations agencies, and to ensure there are sustainable efforts to mainstream disability inclusion, so it remains for the long term.
I hope I answered your question.