Sure, I can start.
I think that's a very valid point, and I would add disinformation to that in the digital age. A lot of the fight for women's rights and feminist principles is actually being done by feminist leaders and women's rights leaders in society while operating increasingly in the digital space, because that is a freer space for them to be able to advance their rights. They are faced with extreme harassment, threats, disinformation, attacks on their person and their families and reputation. We see all sorts of lies being fabricated about these women, which then follow them in their day-to-day lives. Lots of the women's rights leaders and women's human rights defenders we've worked with and who are either on the run or fleeing have been targeted online. We're seeing this growing trend. We're even seeing it here in Canada, with some indigenous women, and indigenous land defenders as well, who are under what I would call a “digital mob” and who are placed at very high risk.
I wanted to put that digital context for you as well.