I'll answer your question and then let Ms. McGeown comment further.
Since we're talking about innovation, I'd like to tell you about an initiative of which I am very proud. We're working on a 3D printing project in Uganda. It isn't a project that's directly related to education, but it's part of our education program. It's a different project and it's funded.
3D printing enables us to produce prostheses and orthotics for children with physical disabilities. The special feature of this project is that it's being developed and is based in the community, at existing hospitals. So we're trying to develop local capacities.
Children are constantly growing, and as you can imagine, prostheses and orthotics must constantly be remade to adapt to their growing bodies. This new 3D printing technology lets us produce orthotics and prostheses that work for individual children, enables them to play and gives them physical access to school. This is an example of an innovation that's transformative for these children.
Julia, do you want to add anything?