As we're talking about potential solutions, again in the big picture, I'm going to look at Right to Play.
When I think about potential solutions, the world is focused significantly on education. It might not be enough. Obviously, we have to do a lot more on education broadly, but I think there is more than $4 billion toward Global Partnership for Education and over $1 billion toward Education Cannot Wait, just to name two big organizations globally that are working on these issues.
It strikes me, from personal experience, from my son's experience in school, that when he was included in the classroom, it helped everybody else to be better. That wasn't why we included him in the classroom; it was all about Jaden, but ultimately what we learned was that every other kid was better off for having him included there.
Right to Play does amazing work. I think you do amazing work at trying to reach harder-to-reach kids. What do you find to be the benefits for the kids without disability when you include people with disabilities in Right to Play programming?