Thank you very much.
To answer the previous question around how you adapt, develop and respond in so many different circumstances, part of it is working with organizations of people with disabilities, OPDs, and this was mentioned previously. Those kinds of organizations are central to making sure that the responses we bring in—what we know works in one context and around international best practice—are then adapted and developed for the specifics and the nuances of what works there.
Most particularly, because OPDs are often community-based, they have that bridge for the way these things operate, the communities we're trying to support and the social environment that surrounds the school. It's about engaging with organizations of people with disabilities and making sure that they're funded properly and that the partner funding, anything that comes through an organization like Plan International, is able to fully support their needs. That's central to making sure that we can adapt and respond to all the nuances and variations in the reality for disability.