Thank you.
I'm not sure what jurisdiction was meant by that, but what I do think is really vital is that teachers are the bedrock in disability-inclusive education. We really need to invest in, not just developing a teacher training curriculum that speaks to universal design for learning, but gets teachers to understand that you can teach all the children in the classroom and you have to prepare for that at the outset. I think that's really vital, that general education teachers get this training and that it's part of their continuous professional development, it's embedded into the pre-service training of teachers.
Often I find that teacher-training institutions are often still stuck in old ways of working and the question or the ask is often for some special needs department to now lead on disability-inclusive education. I think it's quite a big turn for them to take, from this belief that students should be treated in a special way, in special classes, to say they should be in an inclusive setting.
I think there really needs to be a—