Mr. Chair, I have a point of order.
What matters most to me is the safety of our interpreters, which is something we've heard a lot about recently. I don't think the quality of the connection is good enough right now to ensure the health and safety of the interpreters. I'd therefore like the clerk to ask the interpreters if they're able to do their job. If they are, great, but I'd be surprised. We also have to think about the people who are watching our meeting online.
Today's study is super important, but unfortunately technology is not on our side. We were the ones who invited Ms. Ziaei, and I really want to hear what she has to say, but I also want people to be able to hear her comments in English. A lot of people are watching our proceedings today because our study matters to a lot of people.
That's why I want to make sure that everything is being done properly. Otherwise, we'll have to postpone this appearance. I don't want us to miss any of the testimony, but things seem very complicated today, and we haven't even gotten to questions and answers yet. We have to make sure everything is done properly.