Thank you very much.
I want to thank both of the witnesses, and those who came before, for the very alarming testimony and for putting the spotlight on this. I think if Canadians knew more about it, they would want to do more.
I know Canada has already provided about $300 million in aid to Sudan and the surrounding area in the last two years. Our last budget has an additional $350 million for humanitarian aid.
Knowing that this is a human rights committee and it's not specifically dealing with development or some of the other recommendations, I noted in your opening remarks, Ms. Langlois, that you talked about the violations of international human rights and humanitarian laws, but because it's an internal conflict, you made the distinction in terms of the Geneva Convention and other kinds of international law.
I wonder if you and Mr. Diamond could specify which violations of international human rights laws are happening right now and what Canada can do to ensure that those violations stop.