Thank you.
That's a very good question. Again, it's a very broad question.
Unfortunately, the conflict in Sudan is not the only humanitarian crisis that is not receiving the attention it should.
The reason is that the international system is broken. The United Nations is broken, the UN Security Council is broken because it is too politicized. It always has been, but it used to be more balanced. Now the decision-making parties at the UN General Assembly and at the UN Security Council no longer care about the balance of humanitarian law because it doesn't work for them anymore. Every state uses its veto as soon as something does not suit it. You can think of China, you can think of Russia, but you can also think of the United States.
The system is broken, and that's why everything becomes politicized and our attention goes elsewhere. Meanwhile, states on the Security Council are fuelling conflicts around the world, while we have our backs turned, while the spotlight, the cameras, the media are not shining a light on these conflicts.