Our critic for foreign affairs, Heather McPherson, wrote a letter calling on Canada to “impose sanctions immediately on those responsible for violations of international law and human rights.” This was a year ago. She asked Canada to:
Call on Sudanese authorities to immediately surrender the suspects for whom there are outstanding arrest warrants...to the International Criminal Court;
Support and push for the expeditious issuance of arrest warrants by the ICC against those suspected of committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide....
Call on Sudanese authorities to immediately secure visas and unfettered access to areas of interest for staff of International Criminal Court's Office of the Prosecutor; and
Work to build support among international partners to push for a United Nations Security Council referral of the entire situation in Sudan to the International Criminal Court.
Can you give a grade on how Canada is doing, Mr. Diamond, in terms of a response to those requests that the NDP has made?