David, thank you for describing the scale of what we're dealing with: eight million displaced and $300 billion stolen by the socialist thugs of Maduro. I have tremendous Venezuelan neighbours in southwest Calgary, who have been anxious about their own families and about the technologies Maduro has been using to control the people through cellphone apps, access to information and censorship.
You know, I think of Ottawa as a place that could be a capital in the world that has courage when it comes to these issues. However, to my Liberal colleague's point earlier, I don't think Ottawa has shown up as a voice of courage or moral leadership when it comes to standing alongside the people of Venezuela, especially when our American partners—with their clear perspective on the values of our region, and their clear security interests for our own continent—are out of sync with what Ottawa is putting out.
Let me come back to the deplorable dictatorship Venezuela is dealing with. To your knowledge, what kind of partnership does this deplorable, despotic, socialist thug regime have with other ones, such as Iran, Russia or Cuba?