I have just four more bullet points, sir, if you wouldn't mind. That would be fine.
Moreover, UNHCR can and does outsource its RSD mandate to other agencies with even less expertise and oversight, such as the DRC.
Data-driven needs assessments, which are ostensibly nationwide statistical exercises, are incompletely done. At UNICEF's Global Education Cluster in Geneva, for example, a contractor with merely a degree in English literature, living in Panama, was designated to lead global trainings on statistical exercises because they were the spouse of a senior UNICEF education officer. How can we expect data to be accurate when non-data scientists are at the helm owing to nepotism?
I'll conclude with my last two points. Most refugee claims are socio-economic in nature and not rooted in the grounds of the 1951 convention, which stipulates conferring refugee status due to a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality or membership in a particular social group. As such, asylum seekers here in Canada and those abroad processed by UNHCR massage their claims to include elements in commonly accessible country-of-origin reports to substantiate their case in a tick-the-box fashion.
I will stop now. I have submitted this document.