The biggest issue is that Canada continues to trade with Cuba, and Canadians continue to visit Cuba as if it were a normal country, thinking that this is going to stimulate the economy. I mention Cuba specifically because the sanctions policy and international relations of Canada and Cuba are very different from Canada and Venezuela. Canada has taken a strong stand in favour of freedom in Venezuela while it has not for Cuba.
That matters because the reason the Venezuelan regime stays in power is Cuban spies and support from the Cuban regime on the island. They are the same transnational organization. The Cubans receive oil, and the Venezuelans receive Cuban spies. This is widely reported.
This matters because a lot of people believe that, for example, Canadian tourists in Cuba will help the Cuban people when, in reality, the Cuban government keeps all of the proceeds and pays a miserly salary of one dollar a day to the Cuban workers who are in those hotels. You're not stimulating the economy of Cuba. You're stimulating the regime, and that's really unethical. This is even beyond economics. This is about ethics here.