Thank you very much.
I wish I could answer that question, but the truth of the matter is that the government, Iranian authorities, prioritize revolutionary ideology before the well-being of the people. That is what the Iranian people are facing. There is no real interest in protecting the Iranian people. The real interest of the Iranian authorities is protecting the revolutionary ideology, the revolution itself.
It's telling that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the IRGC, is tasked with protecting the revolution. The words “Iran” or “Iranian” aren't even in the acronym. That should tell you everything about how these authorities, the Islamic Republic, feel about Iran and the Iranian people.
What I will say is that decisions made inside Iran have not benefited the people. Even when there was sanctions relief the first time around under President Obama, the money that went to Iran didn't reap any benefits for the Iranian people. Money was still going to Hamas and Hezbollah and Assad. Nothing really changed on the ground as far as human rights go in any tangible way. The people didn't reap the benefits.
For the same reason that U.S. vaccines, western vaccines, were banned from entering the country, these people are not interested in the well-being of the Iranian people.