Thank you for mentioning the 45 activists. They were sentenced to jail last week, and some of them are close friends of mine, actually.
What has happened to Hong Kong in the past few years has had a profound impact on the diaspora and the entire Hong Kong community. Many of them left Hong Kong because of that. Even when they have left Hong Kong and are residing in a safe country—the U.S., Canada, the U.K. or elsewhere in democracies—they don't feel safe to speak up.
There's a general fear to speak up. There's a general sense of self-censorship happening. A lot fewer people are willing to speak up to touch on the situation in Hong Kong on their social media or even in interpersonal exchanges with their friends or family. They, as I said, don't want to associate with people who continue to be outspoken because they are afraid that they would also be targeted. When they—