Thank you.
I guess it's basic, but you really need to do it when you're spreading information through your social media, which is one of the most powerful instruments now. Also, we all know that there is a social media Internet war around the spreading of information, with propaganda and so on. It's important for individuals to spread information that officials are posting.
I also feel it's important not to forget about charities, foundations and so on, because it's a way for lots of people to gather together and, through small gestures, to help each other.
It's really important that other countries at least believe you. Now, I'm in an international community, and I'm communicating with people all around the world a lot. I feel sometimes that you just need to first explain context, and then, your life experience. It's quite normal that, for countries that are on different continents, like Ukraine and Canada, for example, you don't know...but when you're connected morally, through values, it's really important to know about each other. Ukraine is not only a country that is now asking for help; it's a great partner. We have lots of experiences that I feel we can share with those countries that are ready to be with us now.
I personally always check the news, and when I see communication between Ukraine and other countries, other embassies, parliaments and so on, it's a thing that I really like and really appreciate. It makes me warm in my heart because, once again, when you feel you're not alone, it's the main point where you can be strong.
You can rely on yourself, but is it effective? I don't think so.