Yes, there are a minimum of about 38 countries, but let me give you a couple more examples. Syria continues to deteriorate as we speak. For Lebanon, who would have ever believed that we are now scaling up to reach 1.5 million Lebanese people—not Syrian refugees in Lebanon; we are already supporting them. Lebanon is in a crisis. I think 81% of all the wheat that Lebanon gave to its people or sold to the markets in Lebanon two years ago was from Ukraine, and maybe Russia factored into that too, so you can see.
In the Black Sea, you now have water mines all over the place, and moving cargo in and out is very seriously complex. Now, when you consider that 30% of all the grain comes from that area, you have to then realize that's 7.8 million people who are in the market for that 30% of that grain. Then you consider that 50% of our wheat comes from Ukraine, and we feed 125 million people. I'll give you a factor that's going to be really shocking: Just for the World Food Programme, the monthly increase in expensew is already $71 million. That's $850 million in increased costs based on food pricing, fuel costs as well as shipping costs. That means we'll be feeding, at a minimum, four million to five million fewer people this year. As I was alluding to earlier, in Niger we're already at 50% rations. In Chad we're reaching 50% of those who need to be reached, and those 50% we're reaching are getting only 50% rations. In Ethiopia food insecurity is going up, up, up because there are massive droughts taking place there. There's Somaliland in Somalia, and I could keep going from country to country to country.
Now, also, in your hemisphere, the western hemisphere, in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, for example, there's unprecedented flash flooding. We're seeing now, based on our surveys, four to seven times the number of people who are now considering migrating inward toward the United States border.
I call it a ring of fire now. From Central America to Africa, all the way from the Atlantic to the Red Sea, from the Sahel all the way down to the Middle East and then to Afghanistan, it's like you have a ring of fire all the way around the world. If we don't respond strategically and effectively, the whole planet is going to be engulfed. It's going to be hell on earth in the fall if we don't get ahead of this thing quickly.