We've been talking and hearing from many different political parties with regard to this issue, from the Green Party in Germany and others in Europe. We all realize we've got a very unique window before us, and we've got to respond. The last thing we want to do is to end up at the end of this year with not enough food for the people on the planet. That would be a catastrophe.
I'll leave it to you what decisions need to be made, but when you look at.... There are many issues.... We're talking with foreign ministers as well as agricultural ministers, as I said just a little while ago. We had very substantive discussions with the ministers of agriculture from the G7 regarding what lands could be set aside and what the different issues are that they might want us to [Inaudible--Editor] on a short-term basis to increase production.
I'll let you weigh out the politics of what might be permissible, what might be acceptable, or what might be doable. The last thing we want is to end up at the end of the year with not enough food for people in Ottawa, Chicago, New York, or London. I don't think we want to see what happens if that were to take place. We need to be thinking this thing through.