I would like to focus on the possibilities of helping Ukraine bring the perpetrators to justice. I will start with the situation with the international court. The International Criminal Court has launched an investigation after a year-long break and only after the request of 39 countries. Its work is important, but international justice is delayed. Moreover, according to its policies, the ICC focuses exclusively on the top officials and selected specific cases. This means that thousands of perpetrators who have committed crimes with their own hands will not fall under its mandate. Therefore, in addition to the ICC, it's necessary to work in parallel on the applications of other legal mechanisms.
What can be done in addition? Canada could use the provision of its national legislation on universal jurisdiction to prosecute war criminals who have committed international crimes in Ukraine. Canada could initiate the creation of a coalition of states that would establish an international hybrid tribunal. This international hybrid tribunal could cover all international crimes committed during this war. It may, as well, have jurisdiction to address such a crime as aggression, which can't be considered by the International Criminal Court when it comes to Ukraine now.
Thank you.