Just to be clear, independent remanufacturers are in fact recognized in this agreement and--this is notable--it's the first time independent operations have ever been recognized in the context of a formal agreement. That is a positive step; although it's not perfect, it is positive. So we are recognized in the agreement for the first time.
From our perspective, we don't have the luxury of obtaining legal opinions and we don't have the benefit of seeking legal recourse. From our perspective, that's a “let them eat cake” approach, because the reality is that this group of distinct producers in Canada doesn't require any legal victories. They're technically entitled to free access right now, and what we want is the government's will to say, look, we're going to get this group of producers out right away; we'll address their concerns and move forward and allow the debate to continue on those areas where there's a lot to discuss. But from our perspective, the issues of disagreement are not associated with independent remanufacturers.