I would like to state at the outset that our company is in favour of Option A, given the specific position of one of our mills in Ontario. We have done calculations and drawn up market hypotheses based upon the predicted sale prices that have been published. Indeed, Option A would cost more in terms of taxes, and its impact is more negative.
That being said, there is consensus in Quebec with regard to Option B. The caution with regard to this option relates to the flexibility of its administration.
Let us take the case of Home Depot. A customer tells me that he would like to get delivery right away of what I was supposed to send him next month. I will not be able to make the delivery because I have already reached the set quota. They even went so far as to suggest that we be levied a penalty, that we be granted a given period of time to make the necessary adjustments and that the calculations be adjusted later. If I make the necessary adjustments within a 12 month period and if I respect my quota, there should be no penalty. If I go over my quota, I will have to pay a penalty. Let us be given the necessary flexibility to be able to satisfy our customers' needs, because, otherwise, we will lose contracts. Option B must provide for this flexibility that would allow us to accommodate our customers.