Mr. Chairman, my colleagues and I would certainly make some suggestions today, and depending on the other lists proposed, we would get back to the clerk very quickly with suggestions. I think we're all going to zero in on many of the same people.
But, Mr. Chairman, I'd like to propose a slight amendment to Mr. Julian's motion number three, which he just read, and I'm hoping he will accept it. What I would suggest, Mr. Chairman, is that in the fourth line, where we say “the Standing Committee on International Trade hold”, I would substitute, immediately after the word “hold”, “a meeting on Monday, July 31, and on Monday, August 21, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on both days”, and then continue with “to study the July 1...”. So I would suggest we remove the words “several meetings and briefings this summer” and put “two meetings on Monday, July 31, and on Monday, August 21, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.” The rest of the motion would remain the same, and we could go on to talk about witnesses on those dates. That would be my suggested amendment.