I'm going to share my time with my colleague Mr. Hill.
I have a number of questions and comments, so I'm hoping I can get them all in to provide you an opportunity to respond.
First, my honourable colleague across the way, Mr. Maloney, said that the minister said there was an opportunity to open up negotiations. In fact, he did not say that. You were here this morning, and he did not say there was an opportunity to open up negotiations again. The deal is done, and there will be no more negotiating at this point. It is finished. At some point negotiations do have to end.
Taking a look at the section he was referring to, the meritorious initiative and the binational council, he did refer to that in his comments. I'll remind you that it does provide an opportunity for industry from both Canada and the United States to come together to work to make improvements and strengthen the North American lumber industry.
In addition to this comment, Ms. Lim talked about business people making these decisions and why we wouldn't listen to them. Minister Emerson is someone who comes from the industry, and I would say he's an expert and knows it inside out. I saw you here this morning, and we talked about the fact that he knows not only the business side of it, but the human impact we've having here. You've alluded to that many times in the past in your comments and suggested that if six months were to pass without companies getting the money they needed they would be “facing bankruptcy, issuing lay-off notices, and closing operations outright”.
I just want to say to all of you at this point that all of the predictions you've given me here are things that will happen without the deal.
The previous Liberal government was not able to negotiate a deal after years. You were highly critical of anything they brought to the table at that time. This government and this minister are very dedicated to not only the industry but the people who've been affected. The minister has seen the devastation and the job losses over the years. Our main focus here is to ensure that we not only get the duties back, but that we have an industry that's viable and survives.
Let's always remember that we're not out here to do a bad thing. It's not our focus to have a bad deal or to try to hurt anybody. That's not where we're headed. We want to do the best thing we possibly can, especially for the little people. They are the ones who need it most.
Did you know we had the idea in there or had changed the mechanism to get the duties back instead of having loan guarantees, that we had developed a process that would get the money back in six to eight weeks...and the Export Development Corporation and the return of the money? I think this is better than a loan guarantee. The Canadian government has stepped up and decided that we're going to actually give them the money back and not have them wait for two years. It's my understanding that if we have to wait for the Americans to return the money to Canadians, that's how long it will take. So I applaud the government for stepping in and ensuring the duties are returned immediately. I think that's a positive move.
Now I want to talk a little bit about NAFTA. A lot of people have criticized NAFTA in the past, but now we're being told that we should focus on it and continue to use the NAFTA process that's in place, completely ignoring the fact that the dispute mechanism that is set up within this agreement is going to be focusing on international law rather than U.S. trial law. So why would we not be considering that? I'm interested to hear some of your comments about that process.
This is something the United States almost refused to do. They conceded and gave in on this because Canada really pressured them to have this dispute mechanism in the agreement. In addition, when Gordon Ritchie, one of the originators of free trade, gave his testimony, he was very clear that the United States did not want softwood lumber to be included in NAFTA. You've acknowledged that. So why would we not think that this dispute mechanism in the new agreement would be an excellent opportunity to go forward?
I think I'll leave it at that.
Jay, do you have some comments?